Sabtu, 12 September 2009
untuk konfirmasi nya silakan hubungi :
Arie Saptari / 1100023075 HP : 08159221959 / 02192353813
Alant Junedi DS / 1100028100 HP : 081271116999 / 02197582299
Muhammad Ayub / 1100022854 HP : 02198479833
Rabu, 05 Agustus 2009
My Shio
Filosuf, ahli teologi, kampiun politik dan ahli moneter yang kesohor -- itulah jabatan-jabatan yang cocok bagi Ular, yang memang merupakan pemikir yang paling dalam dan paling misterius dari semua siklus perbintangan Cina. Ia dikaruniai kebijaksanaan lahiriah, dan ia sendiri tidak jarang tampak di mata orang sebagai mistik. Pribadi yang anggun dan lemah-lembut dalam berbicara ini, mencintai buku-buku mermutu, makanan lezat, musik merdu dan teater sekaligus. Pendeknya, Ular cenderung menyukai semua yang halus dan indah dalam kehidupan.Orang di bawah shio ini biasanya mengandalkan penilainnya sendiri dan tak bisa berkomunikasi baik dengan yang lainnya. Ia bisa menjadi sedemikian relijius atau menyenangi hal-hal yang berbau kejiwaan, namun bisa juga memuja paham kehidupan yang mencari kesengan diniawi semata. Jalan manapun yang dipilihnya, ia akan selalu mempercayai perasaannya sendiri daripada nasihat-nasihat dari luar.
Seperti Naga, Ular adalah tanda yang sangat berkaitan dengan hukum Karma. Kehidupannya dapat berakhir dengan kemenangan atau tragedi, tergantung pada apa yang diperbuatnya pada masa lampau. Dan walaupun seringkali menyangkal, Ular memang masih percaya pada takhyul di balik penampilannya yang intelek. Orang yang lahir di bawah shio lain bisa saja menunda iurannya bagi kehidupan di akhirat, namun tampaknya Ular justru bertekad buat membayar hutang-piutangnya sebelum meninggalkan dunia ini. Mungkin juga ini merupakan pilihannya, sebab orang yang lahir di bawah shio ini biasanya memiliki pribadi yang intens dan sepertinya mereka selalu terdorong (baik secara sadar maupun tidak) untuk merampungkan masalah lama yang dirasakannya belum selasai.
Warga Ular biasanya tak mendapat gangguan dalam masalah keuangan. Ia beruntung mempunyai apa yang diperlukannya. Andaikata dananya rendah, Ular pasti akan mampu memulihkan situasinya. Tetapi bagaimanapun, warga Ular sebiaknya jangan berjudi, sebab pada akhirnya ia malah akan lebih melarat. Seandainya terjadi hal yang membuatnya rugi besar, mungkin kejadiannya hanya akan berlangsung sekali saja, sebab Ular biasanya cepat memahami kesalahannya. Ia dapat memulihkan dan mengejar kekeliruannya dengan kecepatan yang mengagumkan, sebab dalam hal bisnis ia cenderung bijaksana dan lihai.
Orang yang lahir di bahwa shio ini sering anggun dalam berbicara, berpakaian dan bertingkah laku, dan mereka jarang menyenangi pembicaraan yang remeh dan tak ada gunanya. Ular bisa saja dermawan, namun juga terkenal kejam kalau sedang berusaha mencapai kepentingannya sendiri. Ia tak ragu-ragu buat melenyapkan siapa saja yang menghalangi jalannya.
Dalam menjalin hubungan dengan yang lain, Ular cenderung posesif dan suka menuntut. Namun pada saat yang bersamaan, ia cenderung tidak percaya pada rekan-rekannya. Ia takkan pernah memaafkan siapa saja yang melanggar janjinya. Bahkan, bisa saja syaraf atau daya khayalnya terganggu akan hal yang bukan-bukan apabila ketakutan dan kecurigaannya sedang memuncak.
Jika amarahnya terpancing, kebenciaan Ular tak terbayangkan. Cara perlawanannya adalah dengan menutup mulut dan menyimpannya di dalam hati. Citra ketidak-senangannya adalah lewat sikap bermusuhan yang dingin dan bukannya lewat rentetan kata-kata pedas. Tipe yang lebih mematikan bahkan sanggup menghancurkan musuhnya secara total. Tak ada yang dapat meramalkan gerakan Ular. Otaknya bagai mesin hitung dan ia sendiri memiliki kesabaran yang luar biasa dalam menunggu saat yang baik buat membalas dendam.
Warga Ular terkenal sebagai pacar yang romantis dan kekasih yang menghanyutkan; mereka juga sering diberi predikat mata keranjang. Sebenarnya, reputasi yang diperolehnya ini keliru, disebabkan oleh sensualitas mereka yang selalu menonjol dalam hal apa saja yang dilakukannya. Pria atau wanita Ular memperlihatkan semangat yang sama dalam mengejar transaksi bisnis yang didambakan, sama seperti kalau sedang berusaha meraih simpati seorang kekasih baru.
Saat Menstruasi
Jika haid pada hari Minggu
bermakna akan berjumpa dengan kenalan lama.
Jika haid datang pada hari Senin
bermakna akan mendapat keuntungan dengan segera
Jika haid datang pada hari Selasa
bermakna akan bersuka cita dalam beberapa hari
Jika haid datang pada hari Rabu
bermakna akan bertengkar dengan seseorang
Jika haid datang pada hari Kami
bermakna akan mendapat musibah dan berduka cita
Jika haid datang pada hari Jumat
bermakna akan mendapat kesenangan
Jika haid datang pada hari Sabtu
bermakna akan mendapat kejadian yang mengejutkan
Tanggal1: Bermakna akan Akan memperoleh kebahagian Tanggal
2: Bermakna akan bersedih dan merasa dikecewakan Tanggal
3: Bermakna akan ada pertengkaran/perselisihan Tanggal
4: Bermakna akan mendapat rezeki Tanggal
5: Bermakna akan bersedih hati Tanggal
6: Bermakna akan menerima kabar dari jauh Tanggal
7: Bermakna akan mendapat hadiah Tanggal
8: Bermakna akan mendapat undangan Tanggal
9: Bermakna akan terhindar dari kesedihan. Tanggal
10: Bermakna akan menerima surat dari orang yang disayang Tanggal
11: Bermakna akan mendapat kesenangan Tanggal
12: Bermakna akan bersedih Tanggal
13: Bermakna akan terlepas dari beban yang mengganjal Tanggal
14: Bermakna akan mendapat undangan Tanggal
15: Bermakna akan mendapat kabar yang tak terduga Tanggal
16: Bermakna akan mendapat bahaya Tanggal
17: Bermakna akan pujian Tanggal
18: Bermakna akan mendapat halangan/rintangan Tanggal
19: Bermakna akan difitnah orang Tanggal
20: Bermakna akan ada permusuhan Tanggal
21: Bermakna akan ada kerusuhan Tanggal
22: Bermakna akan mendapat kesenangan Tanggal
23: Bermakna akan mendapat malu Tanggal
24: Bermakna akan mendapat keuntungan Tanggal
25: Bermakna akan mendapat rezeki Tanggal
26: Bermakna akan mendapat pujian Tanggal
27: Bermakna akan lega hati Tanggal
28: Bermakna akan mendapat kesedihan Tanggal
29: Bermakna akan berdarmawisata Tanggal
30: Bermakna akan mendapat kebahagiaan Tanggal
31: Bermakna akan mendapat kabar gembira
My Zodiak
Gemini - Si Kembar
(21 Mei - Juni 21)
Lincah, Pandai berbicara, Tidak Stabil, Mudah Berubah-Ubah, Mudah Gugup, Sangat Peka
Nomor Keberuntungan: 4,11,26,31,38.49
Aroma Keberuntungan: Bunga Lavender, Bunga Lily, Peppermint
Planet Yang Mengitari: Merkurius
Bunga Keberuntungan: Bunga Lily, Pakis
Warna Keberuntungan: Kuning
Batu Keberuntungan: Batu Safir
Elemen Keberuntungan: Udara
Pasangan Serasi: Sagitarius
Gemini adalah simbol kecerdasan, memiliki banyak akal. Komunikasi dan bahasa sangat penting bagi mereka. Mereka memiliki kemampuan berkembang dan belajar yang tinggi. Umumnya para Gemini tidak stabil, reaksi terhadap situasi ditentukan oleh mood mereka. Bagi Gemini, keragaman adalah penyedap kehidupan. Mereka menikmati hasil yang mereka capai lewat kerja keras mereka sendiri. Gemini tidak menyukai rutinitas. Pengetahuan, pikiran yang cepat dan kepandaian jelas terlihat pada zodiak ini. Mereka mudah berubah-ubah. Simbol ini memiliki pesona alami dan energi karisma yang menarik semua zodiak. Mereka memiliki banyak ide yang dapat membuat kita tertarik, namun mereka cenderung cepat bosan jika mereka berada di sekitar orang yang tidak dapat mengikuti jalan pikiran mereka, dana cepat berpindah ke suatu tempat dimana orang di sekitarnya dapat mengikuti jalan pikiran mereka. Mereka biasa menikmati hidup mereka dan jarang melihat kembali kebelakang. Gemini dikenal dengan spontanitasnya dan kemampuan mereka berbicara mengenai segala hal. Mereka energik dan murah hati. Sikap plin plan mereka terkadang menyulitkan. Kamu tidak akan pernah tahu apa yang mereka pikirkan dan apa yang akan mereka lakukan. Cobalah bertanya pertanyaan yang sama pada hari berikutnya, maka kamu akan mendapatkan jawaban yang berbeda setiap harinya. Terkadang hal ini dapat membuatmu putus asa, namun dapat juga mempesonamu.
Asmara para Gemini: Jika kamu tidak dapat mengikuti pola pikir para Gemini, kamu tidak akan dapat bergaul dengan zodiak ini. Perubahan sikap adalah kunci memenangkan hati mereka. Gemini akan menggunakan kemampuan berkomunikasi mereka untuk merayu orang yang mereka sukai. Mereka cenderung menjauh dari orang yang tidak menantang mereka. Gemini memiliki rasa ingin tahu yang tinggi dan selama kamu dapat menimbulkan keingintahuan di hati mereka, mereka selamanya akan berada di sampingmu. Gemini menukai perubahan, mereka senantiasa mencari sesuatu yang lain, termasuk juga kekasih.Selasa, 21 Juli 2009

Ini adalah bentuk dari hasil turnament yang telah di buat oleh " FONT3 COUMMUNITY "
kami adalah sebuah EO Nyaruzz...
tapi kami biarpun Nyaruzz..kami itu telah buktikan klu kami itu mampu berkreasi di dunia nyata..
ini adalah turnament pertama yang kami ciptakan sendiri..dengan ide sendiri pula...
dan MOTO kami di FONT3 adalah :

Rabu, 20 Mei 2009
Menghilangkan Geniue Activation
- Logon ke komputer dengan account yang memiliki hak akses administrative
- Ubah nama file berikut dengan ekstension .old : WgaLogon.dll, WgaTray.exe, keduanya biasanya di temukan di C:\windows\system32\ (tergantung dimana sistem windows tersimpan)bila sudah terubah maka akan menjadi WgaLogon.old dan WgaTray.old.
- Restart komputer anda.
- Unregister file LegitControl.dll dengan Regsvr32. Caranya: masuk ke command prompt, Klik start, klik run dan ketik "cmd", lalu klik OK.
Di command prompt, ketik: "Regsvr32 c:\windows\system32\LegitCheckControl.dll /u" - Restart kembali komputer.
- Klik Start, Run(atau windows key+R) dan ketik cmd, lalu klik OK (kembali ke command prompt).
- Hapus file berikut dengan mengetik "del c:\windows\system32\WgaTray.Old"
ketik "del c:\windows\system32\Wgalogon.old" - terakhir ketik : "del c:\windows\system32\LegitCheckControl.dll"
- Buka Windows Task Manager.
- End Task wgatray.exe process di Task Manager.
- Restart Windows XP dan masuk safe mode.
- Delete WgaTray.exe dari c:\Windows\System32.
- Delete WgaTray.exe dari c:\Windows\System32\dllcache.
- Buka RegEdit.
Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon\Notify - Delete folder "WgaLogon" dan seluruh isinya
- Reboot Windows XP
Jumat, 08 Mei 2009

Persahabatan diwarnai dengan berbagai pengalaman suka dan duka, dihibur – disakiti, diperhatikan – dikecewakan, didengar – diabaikan, dibantu – ditolak, namun semua ini tidak pernah sengaja dilakukan dengan tujuan kebencian.
Seorang sahabat tidak akan menyembunyikan kesalahan untuk menghindari perselisihan, justru karena kasihnya ia memberanikan diri menegur apa adanya.
Sahabat tidak pernah membungkus pukulan dengan ciuman, tetapi menyatakan apa yang amat menyakitkan dengan tujuan sahabatnya mau berubah.
CCENT Practice Certification Exam # 1 - CCNA Exploration: Accessing the WAN (Version 4.0)
1. What are two ways that TCP uses the sequence numbers in a segment? (Choose two.)
| to identify missing segments at the destination |
| to reassemble the segments at the remote location |
| to specify the order in which the segments travel from source to destination |
| to limit the number of segments that can be sent out of an interface at one time |
| to determine if the packet changed during transit |
2. Which three statements characterize UDP? (Choose three.)
| UDP provides connectionless, fast transport of data at Layer 4. |
| UDP provides connection-oriented, fast transport of data at Layer 3. |
| UDP relies on application layer protocols for error detection. |
| UDP works well when an application does not need to guarantee delivery of data. |
| UDP relies on IP for error detection and recovery. |
| UDP provides sophisticated flow control mechanisms. |
3. Refer to the exhibit. Host A sends a data packet to host B. What will be the addressing information of the data packet when it reaches host B? Refer to the exhibit. Host A sends a data packet to host B. What will be the addressing information of the data packet when it reaches host B?
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4. Which layer of the OSI model defines logical addressing?
| application |
| presentation |
| session |
| transport |
| network |
| data link |
5. Which device connects a local LAN to a geographically separate network?
| switch |
| hub |
| router |
| bridge |
6. Refer to the exhibit. Router1 receives packets addressed as follows:
Source IP address:
Destination IP address:
Source MAC address: 00-11-12-7a-41-10
Destination MAC address: 00-11-5c-cc-a9-c0
Source Port: 1464
Destination Port: 23
Assuming that Router1 has not been configured with NAT, what will happen to the packets?
| The packets will be sent to the server because it is a server-based port. |
| The packets will be sent to Switch2 and not leave the switch because the packets are local. |
| The packets will be sent to the laptop host. |
| The packets will be sent to Router1 and dropped because private addresses are not transmitted across the Internet. |
| The packets will be sent to Router2 and dropped because the server is not directly attached. |
7. Refer to the exhibit. If host 1 was to send an HTTP request to the web server that connects to Router2, what type of Layer 2 frame would be sent between Router1 and the ISP?
| a frame with a header that contains the port number of 80 |
| a frame with a header and trailer, but no MAC addresses |
| a frame with a header and a trailer that only contains IP addresses |
| a frame with the host 1 MAC address as the source and Router1 MAC address as the destination |
| a frame with the host 1 MAC address as the source and the server MAC address as the destination |
| a CSU/DSU |
| a cable modem |
| a DSL router |
| a DTE device |
| an SLA device |
9. Refer to the exhibit. A technician applies the configuration in the exhibit to an unconfigured router. To verify the configuration, the technician issues the show running-config command in the CLI session with the router. What lines should the technician expect to see in the router output from the show running-config command?
| enable password class |
| enable secret cisco |
| enable secret 5 $1$v0/3$QyQWmJyT7zCa/yaBRasJm0 |
| enable secret cisco |
| enable secret 5 $1$v0/3$QyQWmJyT7zCa/yaBRasJm0 |
10. Refer to the exhibit. If host A sends an IP packet to host B, what will the destination address be in the frame when it leaves host A?
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11. Refer to the exhibit. What two facts can be determined from the output of the ping command? (Choose two.)
| There was a destination unreachable error. |
| The packet type was unknown. |
| One packet timed out. |
| The ping was interrupted. |
| Four packets of data were successfully received. |
| The packet TTL was exceeded. |
12. Refer to the exhibit. The switches are in their default configuration. Host A needs to communicate with host D, but host A does not have the MAC address for its default gateway. Which network hosts will receive the ARP request sent by host A?
| only host D |
| only router R1 |
| only hosts A, B, and C |
| only hosts A, B, C, and D |
| only hosts B and C |
| only hosts B, C, and router R1 |
13. Refer to the exhibit. Which password will the administrator need to use on this device to enter privileged EXEC mode?
| Cisco |
| class |
| password |
| cisco |
14. Refer to the exhibit. Switch1 has only the following commands added to a default Cisco 2960 configuration:
enable secret cisco
line vty 0 4
password Kn0ckkn-cK
interface vlan 1
ip address
no shutdown
Assume that routing between networks is functioning properly and that Switch2 has been properly configured for remote access. What would the result be if the telnet command is issued from Switch1 privileged mode?
| The following prompt would appear: |
| Switch2 would return a destination unreachable message to Switch1. |
| Router1 would return a destination unreachable message to Switch1. |
| The packet would be dropped. |
15. What caused the following error message to appear?
01:11:12: %PM-4-ERR_DISABLE: psecure-violation error detected on Fa0/8, putting Fa0/8 in err-disable state
01:11:12: %PORT_SECURITY-2-PSECURE_VIOLATION: Security violation occurred, caused by MAC address 0011.a0d4.12a0 on port FastEthernet0/8.
01:11:13: %LINEPROTO-5-UPDOWN: Line protocol on Interface FastEthernet0/8, changed state to down
01:11:14: %LINK-3-UPDOWN: Interface FastEthernet0/8, changed state to down
| Another switch was connected to this switch port with the wrong cable. |
| An unauthorized user tried to telnet to the switch through switch port Fa0/8. |
| NAT was enabled on a router, and a private IP address arrived on switch port Fa0/8. |
| A host with an invalid IP address was connected to a switch port that was previously unused. |
| Port security was enabled on the switch port, and an unauthorized connection was made on switch port Fa0/8. |
16. When configuring a switch to use SSH for virtual terminal connections, what is the purpose of the crypto key generate rsa command?
| show SSH connected hosts |
| disconnect SSH connected hosts |
| create a public and private key pair |
| show active SSH ports on the switch |
| access the SSH database configuration |
17. Which three statements are true about full-duplex operation on an Ethernet network? (Choose three.)
| There are no collisions in full-duplex mode. |
| A dedicated switch port is required for each node. |
| Hub ports are preconfigured for full-duplex mode. |
| The host network card must detect the availability of the media before transmitting. |
| The host network card and the switch port must both be in full-duplex mode. |
18. Refer to the exhibit. If all the switches have a default configuration, how many broadcast domains are in the network?
| 1 |
| 2 |
| 3 |
| 4 |
| 5 |
| 14 |
20. Refer to the exhibit. The devices have been configured with static IP addresses as shown. All hosts can communicate with each other but none of the hosts can communicate with the server. What is the cause of this problem?
| The IP address that is assigned to the server is in an incorrect subnet. |
| The IP address that is assigned to the server is a broadcast address. |
| The IP address that is assigned to the server is a network address. |
| The switch to which the server is connected has not been assigned an IP address. |
| The RouterB LAN interface is incorrectly addressed in the RouterA LAN subnet. |
| 253 |
| 509 |
| 1021 |
| 2045 |
| 4093 |
22. Which type of Network Address Translation allows a host on a public network consistent access to a specified private inside host?
| port-based NAT |
| static NAT |
| dynamic NAT |
| NAT overload |
23. Refer to the exhibit. Which two addresses are "inside global" addresses? (Choose two.)
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24. Which addresses are valid host IP addresses given the subnet mask (Choose three.)
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25. The router receives a packet with the destination address of To which subnetwork does this packet belong?
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26. Refer to the exhibit. What is the broadcast address for the subnetwork on which host A resides?
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28. What can a network administrator modify on a router to specify the location from which the Cisco IOS loads? (Choose two.)
| system ROM |
| the startup configuration file |
| the system image file |
| the configuration register value |
| the NVRAM file system |
29. Which two items are required for initial configuration of Cisco routers if the IOS command-line interface is used? (Choose two.)
| a crossover cable |
| a rollover cable |
| an RJ-15 to DB-9 adapter |
| terminal emulation software |
| router VTY port |
30. Refer to the exhibit. The router named "myhome" has received a frame from the host The contents of this frame are being sent to host What is the Layer 2 destination address of the frame as it leaves the myhome router?
| 0008.a3b6.ce05 |
| 0009.1281.18a8 |
| 000a.8a47.e612 |
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| |
31. Refer to the exhibit. What two facts can be determined about the network from the exhibited output? (Choose two.)
| The MontegoBay router does not have any LAN interfaces configured. |
| The Negril router is connected to the S0/1 interface of the MontegoBay router. |
| There are only four devices in this network. |
| Layer 3 is functioning properly on all routers. |
| The MBSwitch is connected to the Negril, Lucia, and MontegoBay routers. |
| Layer 2 is operational on three ports of the MontegoBay router. |
32. Which set of commands is used to name a router and save the configuration?
| Router(config)# hostname South |
| Router(config)# hostname South |
| Router(config)# ip host South |
| Router(config)# ip host South |
33. Which command is used to create an encrypted password that restricts access to the privileged EXEC mode of a Cisco router?
| RouterA(config)# encrypted password cisco |
| RouterA(config)# password encrypted cisco |
| RouterA(config)# enable password cisco |
| RouterA(config)# enable secret cisco |
| RouterA(config)# service-password encryption cisco |
34. Refer to the exhibit. A network administrator working at HostA has problems accessing the FTP server. Layer 3 connectivity testing was successful from HostA to the S0/0/1 interface of RouterB. Which set of commands will allow the network administrator to telnet to RouterB to check its status?
| RouterB(config)# enable secret class |
| RouterB(config)# enable secret class |
| RouterB(config)# enable secret class |
| RouterB(config)# enable secret class |
35. What is the purpose of using SSH to connect to a router?
| It allows a router to be configured using a graphical interface. |
| It allows a secure remote connection to the router command line interface. |
| It allows the router to be monitored through a network management application. |
| It allows secure transfer of the IOS software image from an unsecure workstation or server. |
36. Which two statements describe the command ip route (Choose two.)
| A packet that is destined for host will be forwarded to address |
| The address is the destination network for this route. |
| The address is the next-hop router in this command. |
| This command is issued from the interface configuration mode. |
| This command is used to define a static route. |
37. Which protocol is described as an enhanced distance vector routing protocol?
| RIP v1 |
| RIP v2 |
| OSPF |
38. Refer to the exhibit. A network administrator can successfully ping, using IP addresses, between router Jax and router Atlanta. However, when the command telnet Atlanta is entered from the Jax router, the Telnet connection fails. Which two reasons could be the cause of the failure? (Choose two.)
| The Jax router is not an entry in the host table of the Atlanta router. |
| The Jax router does not have an entry for Atlanta in its host table. |
| The hostname command is not configured correctly on the Atlanta router. |
| The hostname command is not configured correctly on the Jax router. |
| Access to a DNS server is not available. |
39. From what two locations can a router load the Cisco IOS during the boot process? (Choose two.)
| RAM |
| TFTP server |
| setup routine |
| Flash memory |
| terminal |
40. Which two statements describe the functions or characteristics of ROM in a router? (Choose two.)
| stores routing tables |
| allows software to be updated without replacing pluggable chips on the motherboard |
| maintains instructions for POST diagnostics |
| holds ARP cache |
| stores bootstrap program |
41. Which two statements correctly identify the function of router memory components? (Choose two.)
| RAM permanently stores the configuration file used during the boot sequence. |
| ROM contains diagnostic self test procedures executed on hardware modules. |
| NVRAM stores a backup copy of the IOS used during the boot sequence. |
| Flash memory does not lose its contents when a router is powered off. |
| ROM contains the most current and most complete version of the IOS. |
| Flash contains boot system commands to identify the location of the IOS. |
42. Which router component holds the routing table, ARP cache, and running configuration file?
| RAM |
| Flash |
| ROM |
43. Refer to the exhibit. A network administrator can ping the Denver router, but gets a 'Password Required but None Set' message when trying to connect remotely via Telnet. Which command or sequence of commands must be applied to the Denver router to allow remote access?
| Router(config)# line console 0 |
| Router(config)# line vty 0 4 |
| Router(config)# line virtual terminal |
| Router(config)# line vty 0 4 |
| Router(config)# enable secret cisco |
| Router(config)# enable cisco |
45. Which security method uses the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES)?
| MAC address filtering |
| WEP |
| WPA |
| WPA2 |
46. What is the purpose of WEP?
| It encrypts data. |
| It uniquely identifies a wireless network. |
| It coordinates and accepts transmissions from wireless hosts. |
| It provides information about a directly connected Cisco network device. |
| 802.11a |
| 802.11b |
| 802.11g |
| 802.11n |
| Implement SSH. |
| Install WEP or WPA. |
| Use switch port security. |
| Clearly label the cubicle network port and the switch port. |
| Configure usernames and passwords on the switch ports assigned to each cubicle. |
50. Refer to the exhibit. For security reasons, information about the HQ R1 router model and IP address should not be accessible from the Site 2 R2 router. What security measure should be implemented?
| Install an IDS between R1 and R2. |
| Install an IPS between R1 and R2. |
| Install a firewall between R1 and R2. |
| |
| Disable any routing protocol used between R1 and R2 and install static routes. |
CCNA Practice Certification Exam # 2- CCNA Exploration: Accessing the WAN (Version 4.0)
1. Refer to the exhibit. The exhibit shows simplified protocol data units from different OSI model layers. Which three statements are true about the PDUs and the encapsulation process? (Choose three.)
| PDU #1 is a frame. |
| PDU #2 is an application layer PDU |
| PDU #3 is a segment. |
| PDU #4 is a transport layer PDU. |
| The order in which these PDUs are created during the encapsulation process is 3, 4, 1, 2. |
| The order in which these PDUs are created during the encapsulation process is 2, 1, 4, 3. |
2. Which three application layer protocols use TCP? (Choose three.)
| SMTP |
| FTP |
| SNMP |
| HTTP |
| TFTP |
| DHCP |
3. Which two application layer protocols use the UDP protocol? (Choose two.)
| Telnet |
| SNMP |
| SMTP |
| SQL |
| TFTP |
4. What are two functions that occur at the Internet layer of the TCP/IP model? (Choose two.)
| establishment of logical connections between source and destination hosts |
| end-to-end flow control |
| determination of best paths through the network |
| definition of the procedures used to interface with the network hardware |
| packet switching |
| Layer 5 and Layer 6 OSI model functions |
5. Refer to the exhibit. All ports on switch A are in the sales VLAN and all ports on switch B are in the accounting VLAN. How many broadcast domains and how many collision domains exist in the exhibited network? (Choose two.)
| 3 collision domains |
| 3 broadcast domains |
| 5 broadcast domains |
| 9 collision domains |
| 10 collision domains |
| 13 collision domains |
| Switch(config-if)# vlan all |
| Switch(config-if)# switchport access vlan 30 |
| Switch(config-if)# switchport access vlan all |
| Switch(config-if)# switchport mode trunk |
| Switch(config-if)# switchport trunk encapsulation dot1q |
| Switch(config-if)# switchport trunk encapsulation isl |
7. Refer to the exhibit. Based on the exhibited configuration and output, what would be the result of this command:
Sw1# telnet
| All packets will be dropped. |
| The Telnet session will succeed. |
| An error message that says “Session terminated” will appear. |
| An error message that says “Password required, but none set” will appear. |
8. Refer to the partial device configuration that is exhibited. For which network topology is the configuration appropriate?
RtrA(config)# interface fastethernet 0/0
RtrA(config-if)# no shutdown
RtrA(config-if)# interface fastethernet 0/0.18
RtrA(config-subif)# encapsulation dot1q 18
RtrA(config-subif)# ip address
RtrA(config-subif)# interface fastethernet 0/0.44
RtrA(config-subif)# encapsulation dot1q 44
RtrA(config-subif)# ip address
RtrA(config-subif)# interface fastethernet 0/0.22
RtrA(config-subif)# encapsulation dot1q 22
RtrA(config-subif)# ip address
| |
| |
| |
9. Refer to the exhibit and the following error message from the SwA switch.
00:22:43: %SPANTREE-7-RECV_1Q_NON_TRUNK: Received 802.1Q BPDU on non trunk FastEthernet0/1 VLAN1.
00:22:43: %SPANTREE-7-BLOCK_PORT_TYPE: Blocking FastEthernet0/1 on VLAN0001. Inconsistent port type.
Considering that the link between the two switches is good and the correct type, what could cause this error message?
| The Spanning Tree Protocol has been disabled on one switch. |
| The Spanning Tree Protocol has been disabled on both switches. |
| The IEEE 802.1Q trunking port has a speed mismatch on one of the switches. |
| The SwA port is configured as a trunk port and the SwB port is configured as an access port. |
| The SwA port has IEEE 802.1Q trunking enabled and the SwB port has ISL trunking enabled. |
Switch(config)# interface fastethernet 0/1
Switch(config-if)# switchport mode trunk
Command rejected: An interface whose trunk encapsulation is "Auto" can not be configured to "trunk" mode.
What is the problem?
| The switch port is configured as an access mode port. |
| The switch port does not support trunking on this port. |
| The encapsulation type must be changed to a compatible protocol before the port can be placed in trunk mode. |
| The no switchport trunk encapsulation auto command needs to be applied to the switch port before trunking can be enabled. |
11. Of the protocols that are listed, which one needs to be functioning on a link in order for VTP to operate?
| 802.1Q |
| CDP |
| RIP |
| RSTP |
12. Refer to the exhibit. RT_1 is configured correctly with IP addresses and passwords but none of the computers can ping or telnet to RT_1. Which series of commands would correct the problem?
| RT_1(config)# interface fa0/1 |
| SW_1(config)# interface fa0/24 |
| RT_1(config)# interface fa0/1 |
| SW_1(config)# interface fa0/24 |
| SW_1(config)# interface fa0/24 |
13. Refer to the exhibit. Which commands are needed to complete the switch configuration so that SSH can be used to telnet from host A to SW_1? (Choose two.)
| SW_1(config)# username david password class |
| SW_1(config)# line vty 0 15 |
| SW_1(config)# line vty 0 15 |
| SW_1(config)# login ssh |
| SW_1(config)# login key rsa |
| SW_1(config)# password encrypted cisco |
14. What three factors contribute to congestion on an Ethernet LAN? (Choose three.)
| improper placement of enterprise level servers |
| addition of hosts to a physical segment |
| replacement of hubs with workgroup switches |
| increasing use of bandwidth intensive network applications |
| creation of new collision domains without first adding network hosts |
| migration to full-duplex Ethernet within the LAN |
15. Refer to the exhibit. What protocol should be configured on SW-A Port 0/1 if it is to send traffic from multiple VLANs to switch SW-B?
| Spanning Tree |
| RIP v2 |
| IEEE 802.1Q |
| ARP |
| Rapid Spanning Tree |
16. Which three STP states were replaced with the RSTP discarding state? (Choose three.)
| listening |
| learning |
| blocking |
| disabled |
| forwarding |
17. Refer to the exhibit. What is the role of the SW3 switch?
| designated switch |
| edge switch |
| root bridge |
| enabled bridge |
| local bridge |
18. Refer to the exhibit. A switch can be configured for three different forwarding modes based on how much of a frame is received before the forwarding process begins. Each of the numbered arrows in the accompanying graphic signifies the point in a frame where a particular forwarding mode will begin. Which group of labels reflects the sequence of forwarding modes signified by the numbered arrows?
| 1) fast forward |
| 1) store-and-forward |
| 1) fragment free |
| 1) fast forward |
19. What eliminates switching loops?
| hold-down timers |
| poison reverse |
| spanning tree protocol |
| time to live |
| VTP |
21. Refer to the exhibit. Using the most efficient IP addressing scheme and VLSM, which address can be configured on one of the serial interfaces?
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
22. Consider this router output:
Router# confug
Translating "confug"...domain server (
Translating "confug"...domain server (
( Unknown command or computer name, or unable to find computer address
What command could help with this situation?
| ip dhcp server |
| no ip domain-lookup |
| no logging synchronous |
| no show ip nat translations |
23. Refer to the exhibit. With VLSM, which bit mask should be used to most efficiently provide for the number of host addresses that are required on router B?
| /26 |
| /27 |
| /28 |
| /29 |
| /30 |
24. What are the three ranges of IP addresses that are reserved for internal private use? (Choose three.)
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
25. Refer to the exhibit. The network administrator is unable to access the TFTP server attached to the Memphis router. What are two causes of this problem? (Choose two.)
| The default gateway configured on the network administrator's workstation is not a valid host address. |
| The default gateway configured on the TFTP server in incorrect. |
| The IP address of the TFTP server is a subnetwork address. |
| The IP address of the S0/0/0 interface of the Heliopolis router is a broadcast address. |
| The IP addresses for the Memphis S0/0/1 interface and the Heliopolis S0/0/0 interface are not in the same subnet. |
26. The ISP of the XYZ Company is moving to IPv6 but XYZ wants to continue to use only IPv4 for another year. Which IPv4-to-IPv6 transition method would allow the company to continue using only IPv4 addresses?
| dual stack |
| 6to4 tunnel |
| manual tunneling |
| NAT-PT |
27. Given the IP address and subnet mask of, on which subnetwork does this address reside?
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
28. What is associated with link-state routing protocols?
| low processor overhead |
| poison reverse |
| routing loops |
| split horizon |
| shortest-path first calculations |
29. Refer to the exhibit. Which sequence of commands should be used to configure router A for OSPF?
| router ospf 1 |
| router ospf 1 |
| router ospf 1 |
| router ospf 1 |
30. What is one reason to use the ip ospf priority command when the OSPF routing protocol is in use?
| to activate the OSPF neighboring process |
| to influence the DR/BDR election process |
| to provide a backdoor for connectivity during the convergence process |
| to streamline and speed up the convergence process |
31. The output of the show ip interface brief command indicates that Serial0 is up but the line protocol is down. What are two possible causes for the line protocol being in the down state? (Choose two.)
| The clock rate is not set on the DTE. |
| An incorrect default gateway is set on the router. |
| A network is missing from the routing protocol configuration. |
| The encapsulation on the Serial0 interface is incorrect. |
| Keepalives are not being sent by the remote device. |
32. Which router command will verify that the router has a path to a destination network?
| Router# show ip interfaces brief |
| Router# show ip route |
| Router# show cdp neighbors |
| Router# show running-config |
| Router# show protocols |
33. Refer to the exhibit. When troubleshooting a network, it is important to interpret the output of various router commands. On the basis of the exhibit, which three statements are true? (Choose three.)
| The missing information for Blank 1 is the command show ip route. |
| The missing information for Blank 1 is the command debug ip route. |
| The missing information for Blank 2 is the number 100. |
| The missing information for Blank 2 is the number 120. |
| The missing information for Blank 3 is the letter R. |
| The missing information for Blank 3 is the letter C. |
34. Refer to the exhibit. From the command prompt on the host, the command telnet is typed. The response that is given is this:
Password required, but none set
What is the most likely problem?
| The router has been configured as a firewall. |
| The Telnet server process must be activated on the router. |
| The switch has not been configured to pass Telnet traffic. |
| The enable secret command has not been entered on RtrA. |
| The password command has not been entered in line configuration mode on RtrA. |
| The password and login commands need to be configured on the console port of RtrA. |
35. Refer to the exhibit. If router B is to be configured for EIGRP AS 100, which configuration must be entered?
| B(config-router)# network |
| B(config-router)# network |
| B(config-router)# network area 0 |
| B(config-router)# network as 100 |
| B(config-router)# network |
| B(config-router)# network as 100 |
| B(config-router)# network area 100 |
36. After several configuration changes are made to a router, the copy running-configuration startup-configuration command is issued. Where will the changes be stored?
| flash |
| ROM |
| RAM |
| the configuration register |
| a TFTP server |
37. Refer to the exhibit. Two routers have been configured to use EIGRP. Packets are not being forwarded between the two routers. What could be the problem?
| EIGRP does not support VLSM. |
| The routers were not configured to monitor neighbor adjacency changes. |
| The default bandwidth was used on the routers. |
| An incorrect IP address was configured on a router interface. |
38. What are two features of a link-state routing protocol? (Choose two.)
| Routers send periodic updates only to neighboring routers. |
| Routers send triggered updates in response to a change. |
| Routers create a topology of the network by using information from other routers. |
| The database information for each router is obtained from the same source. |
| Paths are chosen based on the lowest number of hops to the designated router. |
39. Refer to the exhibit. Routers A and B have EIGRP configured and automatic summarization has been disabled on both routers. Which router command is used to summarize the attached routes, and to which interface is this command applied? (Choose two.)
| ip summary-address eigrp 1 |
| ip area-range eigrp 1 |
| summary-address |
| ip summary-address eigrp 1 |
| serial interface on router A |
| serial interface on router B |
| D [90/2195456] via, 00:00:09, FastEthernet0/0 |
| O [110/1012] via, 00:00:22, FastEthernet0/0 |
| R [120/1] via, 00:00:17, FastEthernet0/0 |
| S [1/0] via |
41. Which sequence of commands is used to configure a loopback address on a router?
| Router1(config)# interface loopback 1 |
| Router1(config)# interface serial 0/0 |
| Router1(config)# interface serial 0/0 |
| Router1(config)# interface loopback 1 |
43. Which encryption standard would most likely be used in an 802.11 standards-based wireless network environment?
| ACDP, which has more bits that are used for encryption than CDP has |
| WPA2, which can use the more advanced AES for encryption |
| VTP, which is compatible with all 802.11-type wireless networks |
| RSA, which has a different algorithm than any of the older standards |
| 802.1X EAP, which is the most powerful type of encryption used for both wired and wireless networks |
46. Which two commands can be used to verify the content and placement of access control lists? (Choose two.)
| show ip route |
| show processes |
| show running-config |
| show cdp neighbor |
| show access-lists |
47. Which two keywords can be used in an access control list to replace a wildcard mask or address and wildcard mask pair? (Choose two.)
| most |
| host |
| all |
| any |
| some |
| gt |
48. Refer to the exhibit. NAT with overload is configured on router R1 and uses the NAT pool of addresses through What type of route would the ISP need in order for communication to occur between hosts in Company ABC and the Internet?
| Because the ISP has knowledge of the directly connected network, no route is needed. |
| A static route from the ISP is needed that uses the network number and the mask |
| A default route from the ISP is needed that uses either the exit interface of S0/0/0 or the IP address. |
| A default route from the ISP is needed that uses either the exit interface of S0/0/1 or the IP address. |
| A static route from the ISP is needed that uses the network number and the mask |
49. What is the effect of the access control list wildcard mask (Choose two.)
| The first 28 bits of a supplied IP address will be ignored. |
| The last four bits of a supplied IP address will be ignored. |
| The first 32 bits of a supplied IP address will be matched. |
| The first 28 bits of a supplied IP address will be matched. |
| The last five bits of a supplied IP address will be ignored. |
| The last four bits of a supplied IP address will be matched. |
50. Which three values or sets of values are included when creating an extended access control list statement? (Choose three.)
| access list number between 1 and 99 |
| access list number between 100 and 199 |
| default gateway address and wildcard mask |
| destination address and wildcard mask |
| source address and wildcard mask |
| source subnet mask and wildcard mask |
| destination subnet mask and wildcard mask |
51. Refer to the exhibit. Which statement describes the status of the PPP connection?
| Only the link-establishment phase completed successfully. |
| Only the network-layer phase completed successfully. |
| Neither the link-establishment phase nor the network-layer phase completed successfully. |
| Both the link-establishment and network-layer phase completed successfully. |
52. Which three statements are true regarding the Frame Relay LMI? (Choose three.)
| The LMI provides a virtual circuit (VC) status mechanism. |
| The LMI type must always be manually configured. |
| The available LMI types are CHAP and PAP. |
| The LMI types supported by Cisco routers are CISCO and IETF. |
| The LMI type configured on the router must match the one used on the Frame Relay switch. |
| The LMI uses reserved DLCIs to exchange messages between the DTE and DCE. |
| establishes identities with a two-way handshake |
| uses a three-way authentication periodically during the session to reconfirm identities |
| control by the remote host of the frequency and timing of login events |
| transmits login information in encrypted format |
| uses an unpredictable variable challenge value to prevent playback attacks |
| makes authorized network administrator intervention a requirement to establish each session |
54. Which three statements are true about PPP? (Choose three.)
| PPP can use synchronous and asynchronous circuits. |
| PPP can only be used between two Cisco devices. |
| PPP carries packets from several network layer protocols in LCPs. |
| PPP uses LCPs to establish, configure, and test the data link connection. |
| PPP uses LCPs to agree on format options such as authentication, compression, and error detection. |
CCNA3 FINAL lastest version - by
1. Refer to the exhibit. An administrator documented the output of a CAM table from an Ethernet switch as shown. What action will the switch take when it receives the frame shown at the bottom of the exhibit?discard the frame
forward the frame out port 2
forward the frame out port 3
forward the frame out all ports
forward the frame out all ports except port 3
add station 00-00-3D-1F-11-05 to port 2 in the forwarding table
2. Refer to the exhibit. What does the term DYNAMIC indicate in the output that is shown?
This entry can only be removed from the MAC address table by a network administrator.
When forwarding a frame to the device with address 0060.5c5b.cd23,the switch does not have to perform a lookup to determine
Only the device with MAC address 0060.5c5b.cd23 will be allowed to connect to port Fa0/18
The switch learned this MAC address from the source address in a frame received on Fa0/18
3. A new switch is to be added to an existing network in a remote office. The network administrator does not want the technicians in the
remote office to be able to add new VLANs to the switch,but the switch should receive VLAN updates from the VTP domain. Which
two steps must be performed to configure VTP on the new switch to meet these conditions?(Choose two.)
Configure an IP address on the new switch
Configure the existing VTP domain on the new switch
Configure all ports of both switches to access mode
Configure the new switch as a VTP client
Enable VTP pruning
4. Refer to the exhibit. What is true of the configuration of switch S1?
A Cisco proprietary protocol is in use for ports Fa0/1 and Fa0/3
Switch ports Fa0/1 and Fa0/3 have been configured with the switchport mode access command
Untagged frames received on ports Fa0/1 and Fa0/3 will be placed on VLAN 1
Switch ports Fa0/1 and Fa0/3 are configured to carry data from multiple VLANs
5. Refer to the exhibit. On which of the devices in this network should routing between VLAns take place?
the core layer devices
the access layer devices
the distribution layer devices
the core and distribution layer devices
6. Refer to the exhibit. A network administrator enters the displayed commands to configure VLAN 30. What is the result of running
these commands?
VLAN 30 will be added to S1,S2,and S3,but not to S4
VLAN 30 will be pruned from the VLAN database of S3
VLAN 30 will be added to the VLAN database of S3 but will not be propagated to S4,S2 or S1
VLAN 30 will not be added to the VLAN database of S3 and an error message will be displayed
7. After listening for the presence of a signal on the network media, host A and C transmit data at the same time. In what two ways do
the hosts respond to this situation?(Choose two)
The hosts transmit a jam signal to ensure that all hosts on the network are aware that a collision has occured
Because they are operating in full-duplex mode, the hosts resume listening for traffic in preparation for sending future messages
Because the hub will temporarily block traffic from one of the hosts, that host will be allowed to transmit once the wire is clear
Hosts A and C are assigned shorter backoff values to provide them priority to access the media for retransmission
After the backoff eriod of a host, the host checks to determine if the line is idle before retransmitting
8. Refer to the exhibit.Router RA receives a packet with a source address of and destination address of
What will the router do with this packet?
The router will drop the packet
The router will forward the packet out interface FastEthernet 0/1.1
The router will forward the packet out interface FastEthernet 0/1.2
The router will forward the packet out interface FastEthernet 0/1.3
The router will forward the packet out interface FastEthernet 0/1.2 and interface FastEthernet 0/1.3
9. Which statement regarding the service password-encryption command is true?
The service password-encryption command is entered at the privileged EXEC mode prompt
The service password-encryption command encrypts only passwords for the console and VTY ports
The service password-encryption command encrypts all previously unencrypted passwords in the running configuration
To see the passwords encrypted by the service password-encryption command, enter the no service password-encryption command
10. Refer to the exhibit. Switches S2 and S3 are properly connected using an ethernet cable. A network administrator has configured both
switches with VTP, but S3 is unable to propagate VLANs to S2. What could be the reason for this?
The VTP configuration revision is different on both switches
The VTP domains are different on both switches
VTP pruning is disabled
VTP v2 is disabled
11. Refer to the exhibit.Both switches are configured with default bridge priority. Which port will act as STP root port if all links are
operating at the same bandwidth?
Fa0/1 interface of S1
Fa0/2 interface of S1
Fa0/1 interface of S2
Fa0/2 interface of S2
12. Refer to the exhibit. The switch VTY lines have been properly configured, but PC1 is unable to remotely manage the switch. How can
this problem be resolved?
Configure the Fa0/1 interface of the switch in trunk mode
Configure a default gateway on the switch
Configure the native VLAN on the switch
Configure the Fa0/1 interface of the switch to allow all VLANs
13. What provides an authentication mechanism for 802.11-based wireless networks?
14.Refer to the exhibit. What three statements describe why Host1 and Host2 are unable to communicate?(Choose three)
The switch ports are o different VLANs
The switch IP address is on the wrong subnet
The hosts are configured on different logical networks
A router is required to forward traffic between Host1 and Host2
The VLAN port assignments must be contiguous for each VLAN
The host default gateway addresses must be on the same logical network
15. Refer to the exhibit. A new host needs to be connected to VLAN3. Which IP address should be assigned to this new host?
16. Refer to the exhibit. Hosts PC_A and PC_B send traffic simultaneously, and the frames from the transmitting station collide. What is
the last device to receive the collision?
hub HB1
switch SW1
router R1
switch SW2
router R2
switch SW4
17. Refer to the exhibit. The network administrator needs to remove the east-hosts VLAN and use the switch port from that VLAN in one of
the existing VLANs. Which two sets of commands should be used when completely removing VLAN 2 from S1-Central ehile leaving
the switch and all its interfaces operational?(Choose two)
S1-Central#erase flash:
S1-Central#delete flash:vlan.dat
S1-Central#configure terminal
S1-Central(config)#no vlan 2
S1-Central#configure terminal
S1-Central(config-if)#interface fastethernet 0/1
S1-Central(config-if)#switchport access vlan 3
18. Refer to the exhibit. In what two ways will the router handle VLAN traffic that is received on the trunk?(Choose two)
Traffic to VLAN 1 received by the router interface Fa0/0 will be dropped by the router
Because interface Fa0/0 requires an iP address, the router will not be able to route between the VLANs
Packets that are received from network will be handled by subinterface Fa0/0.20
The router will use subinterface MAC addersses to identify the VLAN traffic that is received on the physical interface
The router will continue to process traffic from the attached VLANs even if the physical interface goes down
19. Refer to the exhibit. Which two options correctly describe the router configuration that is shown?(Choose two)
Routing between the and networks will not succeed until a routing protocol is configured on the router
VLANs have not been appropriately configured on the router subinterfaces
The configuration is appropriate for a router-on-a-stick network design
Trunking has been appropriately configured on the router subinterfaces
An IP address should be applied to interface Fa0/1 for routing to occur
20. Refer to the exhibit. The devices in the network are operational and configured as indicated in the exhibit. However, hosts A and D
cannot ping each other. What is the most likely cause of this problem?
The link between the switches is up but not trunked
The Fa0/11 interface of Switch1 is not configured as a trunk
Hosts A and D are configured with IP addresses from different subnets
VLAN 20 and VLAN 30 are not allowed on the trunk between the switches
21. Refer to the exhibit. What three statements describe why Host1 and Host2 are unable to communicate?(Choose three)
The switch ports are is on different VLANs
The switch IP address is on the wrong subnet
The hosts are configured on different logical networks
A router is required to forward traffic between Host1 and Host2
The VLAN port assignments must be contiguous for each VLAN
The host default gateway addresses must be on the same logical network
22. Which three statements are correct concerning the default configuration of a new switch?(Choose three)
It is configured in VTP server mode
STP is automatically enabled
The first VTY line is automatically configured to allow remote connections
VLAN1 is configured with a management IP address
All switch ports are assigned to VLAN1
The enable password is configured as cisco
23. When configuring a router to act as an SSH server, what should be configured before issuing the crypto key generate rsa command?
the security domain name
the VTP domain name
the IP domain name
the host name
24.Refer to the exhibit. Which two facts about STP can be determined from the displayed output?(Choose two)
Switch S1 has the lowest configured STP priority in the network
Switch S1 is configured as the root bridge for VLAN1
Fa0/21 is the root port of switch S1
Fa0/22 is the redundant link
Fa0/24 is considered the best path to the root bridge
25. Refer to the exhibit. VTP pruning is enabled in the VTP domain that is shown. How will switch ST-1 handle Layer 2 broadcast traffic
originating from host A on switch ST-C?
It will be dropped
It will be forwarded out port Fa0/5 only
It will be forwarded out ports Fa0/5 and Fa0/10
It will be forwarded out ports Fa0/5, Fa0/10, and Fa0/15
26. Refer to the exhibit. How will switch S2 manage traffic coming from host PC1?
S2 will drop the traffic, unless it is management traffic
S2 will tag the frame with VLAN ID 99 when it forwards it over the trunk link
S2 will leave the traffic untagged when it forwards it over a trunk link
S2 will tag the traffic with the highest VLAN ID value when it forwards it over the trunk link
27. Which two statements are corect about wireless infrastructure components?(Choose two)
An AP converts the TCP/IP data packets from their 802.11 frame encapsulation format to the 802.3 Ethernet frame format on the
wired Ethernet network
A wireless AP does not require any physical connection to allow wireless clients to access the Internet
An AP is a layer 2 device, similar to a switch, that provides dediated bandwidth to each connected wireless host
Collisions do not occur between wireless NICs and APs
The wireless router performs the roles of AP and router
28. Refer to the exhibit. Switch SW-A is to be used as temporary replacement for another switch in the VTP Student domain. What two
pieces of information are indicated from the exhibited output?(Choose two)
The other switches in the domain can be running either VTP versin 1 or 2
There is a risk that the switch may cause incorrect VLAN information to be sent through the domain
VTP will block frame forwarding on at least one redundant trunk port that is configured on this switch
VLAN configuration changes made on this switch will be sent to other devices in the VTP domain
This switch will update its VLAN configuration when VLAN changes are made on a VTP server in the same domain
29. Refer to the exhibit. The switches have been configured as shown. The hosts that are connected to switch 101-2FL are not able to
communicate with the hosts in their corresponding VLANs that are connected to switch 101-3FL. What should be done to fix the problem?
Configure port Fa0/2 on switch 101-3FL as a static trunk link
Introduce a Layer 3 device or a switch with Layer 3 capability into the topology
Utilize the switchport trunk allowed vlan all command on switch 101-3FL to permit the VLAN traffic
Apply IP addresses that are in the same subnet to the interfaces that are used to connect switches 101-2FL and 101-3FL
30. What are three benefits of employing a hierarchical network design?(choose three)
Hierarchically designed networks can more easily be expanded to suit future needs
Hierarchical design models enhance existing bandwidth through the use of link aggregation
The hierarchical model allows for specialized functionality at each layer, simplifying device management
Use of a hierarchical design allows replacement of redundant devices with high-capacity network equipment
A hierarchical design uses firewalls instead of complicated port-based and distribution layer security policies
The hierarchical model allows the use of high-performance switches at all design layers, thus allowing for fully-meshed topology
31. Refer to the exhibit. The network administrator configures both switches as displayed. Howerer, host C is unable to ping host D and
host E is unable to ping host F. What ation should the administrator take to enable this communication?
Include a router in the topology
Associate hosts A and B with VLAN 10 instead of VLAN 1
Remote the native VLAN from the trunk
Configure one trunk port in the dynamic desirable mode
Add the switchport nonegotiate command to the configuration of S2
32. Refer to the exhibit. A network administrator has segmented the network into two VLAns. The connected hosts can only access
resources in their own VLAN. What th most scalable and cost effective solution to allow inter-VLAN communication in this network?
Replace S1 with a router that has one FastEthernet interface for each PC
Add a second switch and divide the PCs so that each VLAN is connected to is own switch
Configure a router with two subinterfaces on one of its FastEthernet ports and connect it to S1 using a trunk link
Connect a router to a port on S1 and assign the IP address of VLAN1 to the connecting router interface
33. Refer to the exhibit. How is port Gi1/1 on SwT-A functioning in the spanning-tree topology?
It is sending and receiving data frames
It is receiving BPDUs, but not sending data frames
It is participating in the election process by forwarding the BPDUs it receives
It is receiving BPDUs and populating the MAC address table, but not sending data
34. What are two requirements for configuring inter-VLAN routing using the router-on-a-stick model?(Choose two)
Each subinterface should be configured with its own Ip address, subnet mask, and unique VLAN assignment
The physical interface of the router must be connected to a trunk link on the adjacent switch
The number of physical interfaces on the router should match the number of VLANs
Different static VLANs should be assigned to different interfaces of the router
The router should be configured as the VTP server
35. Refer to the exhibit. Sw-T has been configured with a single trunking interface. Which VLANs will be allowed across the trunk?
Only VLAN 1 will be allowed across the trunk
All configured VLANs will be allowed across the trunk
Only the native VLAN wil be allowed across the trunk
Only the the management and native VLANs will be allowed across the trunk
Only VLANs that are configured on the VTP server in the domain will be allowed across the trunk
36. Refer to the exhibit. Switch SW2 has been newly urchased and added to the network. What configuration should be applied to SW2
so that it participates in the same VTP domain as switch SW1, receives VLAN information from SW1, and synchronizes VLAN information?
Disable VTP pruning on SW2
Configure SW2 in VTP transparent mode
Configure SW2 with the VTP domain password
Configure SW2 as a VTP server with a higher revision number
37. Refer to the exhibit. Router R1 is properly configured for router on a stick inter-VLAN routing, but PC1 is unable to ping PC2. What
needs to be one to resolve the problem?
Rename VLAN1
Connect one more port of S1 to R1
Configure the Fa0/1 port of S1 as trunk port
Move the Fa0/0 interface of R1 to another VLAN
38. Refer to the exhibit. All trunk links are operational and all VLANs are allowed on all trunk links. An ARP request it sent by computer 5.
Which device or devices will receive this message?
only computer 4
computer 3 and RTR-A
computer 4 and RTR-A
computer 1, computer 2, computer 4, and RTR-A
computer 1, computer 2, computer 3, computer 4, and RTR-A
all of the computers and the router
39. Refer to the exhibit. Hosts A and B attempt to transmit a frame at the same time and a collision occurs. When will host D be able to transmit?
after sending its jam signal
after host A and host B have comleted transmission
after the jam signal clears and its backoff delay expires
40. Refer to the exhibit. The network administrator wants to configure Switch1 to allow SSH connections and prohibit Telnet connections.
How should the network administrator change the displayed confoguration to satisfy the requirement?
Use SSH version 1
Reconfigure the RSA key
Configure SSH on a different line
Modify the transport input command
41. Refer to the exhibit. What is the effect of setting the security mode to WEP on the Linksys integrated router?
WEP identifies the wireless LAN
WEP allows the access point to inform clients to its presence
WEP translates IP addresses into easy-to-remember domain names
WEP encrypt data between the wireless client and the access point
WEP ensures that only authenticated users are allowed acces to the WLAN
WEP translates an internal address or group of addresses into an outside, public address
42. Refer to the exhibit. The switches are configured for VTP as shown. Which two statements correctly describe the operation of these switches?(Choose two)
A new VLAN can be added to Switch1 and that information will be added only to Switch2
A new VLAN can be added to Switch1 and that information will be added to Switch2 and Switch4
An existing VLAN can be deleted from Switch4 and that VLAN will be deleted from Switch1 and Switch2
An existing VLAN can be deleted from Switch2 and that VLAN will be deleted from Switch1 and Switch4
A new VLAN can be added to Switch4 and that information will be added to Switch1, Switch2, Switch3
A new VLAN can be added to Switch3 and that information will be added to Switch1, Switch2, Switch4
43. After unpacking a new Linksys WRT300N wireless multifunction device, a user needs to change the default administrator password
and make other configuration changes. What must the user doto access the device in order to make these changes?
Use a wireless client to associate with the WRT300N and then open a HyperTerminal sssion with the device
Establish a wired connection with the device and then reboot the attached computer to launch the configuration software
Establish a wired connection from a computer in the same IP subnet as the WRT300N and enter the default IP address of the
device into a web browser on the computer
Modify the TCP/IP properties of the computer that is connected to the WRT300N so that the computer and the WRT300N exist on
the same network. Then reboot computer to establish a connection
44. Refer to the exhibit. Which switch will be elected as the root bridge of the spanning tree topology?
45. Which statements correctly describes the function of a Layer 2 switch?
It performs switching and filtering based on the destination network layer address
It automatically uses STP to prevent switching loops in redundant topologies
It uses VTP to allow data from multiple VLANs to travel across a single link
It routes packets between different LAN segments
46. Which two statements describe Spanning Tree Protocol?(Choose two)
It only used at Layer 2
It is configured on routers
It eliminates Layer 2 loops in network topologies
It limits the number of valid MAC addresses allowed on a port
It allows VLAN information to propagate to other switches in the network
47. Which statement correctly describes the spanning-tree path cost?
It is calculated based on the total number of switches connected in a loop
It is calculated based on the utilization of all the switches along a given path
It is calculated based on the bridge priority of the switches along a given path
It is calculated based on the sum of the port cost value, determited by link speed, for each switch port along a given path
48. What is the purpose of VLAN trunking?
It improves network performance by reducing broadcast traffic
It select the best path to transmit data in a switched network
It carries the traffic of multiple VLANs through a single link
It avoids spanning tree loops in a switched network
49. Refer to the exhibit. What is the purpose of the configuration commands that are shown?
to activate port Fa0/10
to make the port a member of VLAN 30
to activate port security on port Fa0/10
to add VLAN 30 to the trunk that is connected to port Fa0/10
50. Refer to the exhibit. Router R-West and switch S-West1 are connected via a single ethernet cable between the router interface fa0/0 and the switch interface fa0/1. The router and switch have been configured with the commands that are displayed in the exhibit. The network administrator enters the show interfaces trunk command and receives the output as shown. What is the cause of the "not-trunking" status for switch port Fa0/1?
The trunk is established, but no VLANs have been configured to
use it
The router is missing the dynamic trunking protocol statements
necessary to form a trunk
Because the router does not support Dynamic Trunking Protocol,
the trunk has not been established
The router, the switch, or both must be configured with the
dynamic desirable option for Dynamic Trunking Protocol to
establish a trunk